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about me

First of all, thank you for your interest in my site - and welcome to Johnny's Journeys. My name is Hannes Eller, but my friends call me Johnny. I live in the capital of the Alps Innsbruck, but I feel at home anywhere in Europe. I am a certified tour guide, a passionate London vacationer and deal with everything that has to do with travel and vacations. Football, mainly from England, is my great joy. A Chelsea Football Club fan for over 20 years, hence my strong connection to London .


Why tour guide?

I really enjoy browsing travel guides, discovering interesting places, finding out how best to get from A to B and preparing myself as well as possible for trips or short trips in order to get the most out of the next destination.

Why a travel blog?

Why shouldn't I let others share my passion?! was the idea that led to the founding of Johnny's Journeys. Since then I've been reporting on my trips, writing down old memories and sharing my thoughts with you. I would be happy if I could take you to extraordinary places and show you hidden beauties in places you don't know.

Write me, I'm happy!

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